WP Scarcity Jeet v1.0.1 Nulled

WP Scarcity Jeet – Create powerful call to action bars for high conversions.Leverage the scarcity element and boost your conversions by up to a whopping 350 percent. WP Scarcity Jeet is a WordPress compatible, highly customizable scarcity plugin that grabs your subscribers’ attention and makes them focus on your offers.

WP Scarcity Jeet helps you improve conversions by putting your call to action and a scarcity timer over your webpages. This attracts your visitors’ attention and you can convert them better by using the timer based scarcity.


  • Incentivizes your visitors to buy your products by drawing their attention to scarcity element.
  • Lets you organize an online time bound sale to push conversions.
  • Creates a lead grabbing overlay on your site to power boost product sale.
  • This customizable plug in lets you modify time, color, text and bar positioning to optimize appearance.


  • Put in your own image or ecover to attract attention to your product. Lets you hide or highlight the URL image.
  • Modifiable text, color, time settings, and catchline to customize as per your discretion.
  • Lets you dock your bar to the top or bottom of the page.
  • Lets you display your product photo, cartoon or any custom image on the bar or as an overlay.

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