How You Can Improve Your Site With Clever Widgets
Thrive Clever Widgets is a WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates with the default widgets options in WordPress. For any widget you add to any widget area, you’ll see this new link appear, once you have the plugin installed.
In an intuitive interface, you can then determine exactly where your widget should be shown.
Using the Clever Widgets plugin, you can easily show highly relevant content in your widget areas. Instead of a generic offering that barely raises an eyebrow, you can show your visitors the kind of thing that makes them say “this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!”
And for you, that means more clicks, fewer bounces and higher conversion rates.
Clever Widgets acknowledges the simple fact that your website visitors are telling you a lot about themselves simply by which posts and pages they are looking at. With the Clever Widgets plugin, you can now determine precisely where your widget content should be shown to visitors, based on categories, tags, post types and even down to include and exclude rules for specific pages.
Thrive Clever Widgets version 1.30 released:
- Fixed API Connections not showing forms
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