Instagram Feed v2.3.0 – jQuery Plugin for Instagram

InstaShow – We aim at the production of high-quality and user-friendly products for our customers. That’s why we strive to allow you to use full potential of a product. For InstaShow we’ve prepared more than 60 adjustable parameters so that you can easily adapt the jQuery Instagram Feed to your website.



  • The number of Instagram sources is restricted only by your desires
  • Add any combination of usernames, hashtags, locations and specific photo URLs
  • Use additional conditions to filter Instagram photos
  • Exclude specific content or images, which contain the specified hashtags or which refers to the certain authors or locations with “except” filter
  • Filter photos by Instagram @username, #hashtag, location or single URL with “only” filter
  • Specify required number of loaded images to restrict their count with “limit” option
  • Define how long pictures will be cached in browsers’ local storage with “cacheMediaTime” option
  • Use our slider plugin to present an attractive slideshow filled with Instagram content

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