Have a business/idea?… Promote it worldwide.
Businesses FAIL due to lack of internet marketing. Find your customer on the internet using direct & targeted marketing.
AB Bulk mailer, worlds #1 internet marketing software, with built-in email extractor, email verifier, facebook extractor, add poster on facebook/twitter. No monthly charges. One time purchase only for lifetime use. Imagine how many orders you get when your sales mail goes direct to inbox.
Promote your business world-wide free and fast using AB Bulk Mailer christmas edition is worlds’s most popular email marketing software that sends emails free using multiple email accounts of gmail, yahoo, msn, godaddy,gmx, your web site,VPS or any smtp server like verizon, amazon etc. Allows to send/schedule personalized/bulk mails in text/html formats.
*** Our customers say : AB Bulk Mailer is only software in the world where mail goes direct to inbox. 100% inbox delivery guaranteed. Provides automatic rotation of smtp/email sending accounts,has 30 rotating email subjects and 50 rotating bodies with full spintax capabilities, rotating reply id with every mail sent…. means every mail that you send has a different subject and a different body, a different reply id and is sent by a different smtp account.
*** It sends mails based on per day and per hour limit, contains email verifier, automatic un-subscription, bounce checker, latest mails from pop/imap server,automatic gmail and yahoo checker that prevents accounts from getting blocked .Allows you to track what mails were sent.
The software uses Google Search allows extracting leads from craigslist/twitter/youtube/facebook/specific web sites/link/excel/text files based on your business related keyword using 3 types of algorithms.
It has built in automatic twitter poster that posts 125 unique tweets on twitter every hour and makes them searchable by browsers by user specified #hashtags and creates links to your web site by adding twitter followers which can be possible customers. It also contains facebook poster that posts automated messages and pictures to facebook automatically to bring business for you from social networks..
Message from Software Architect/CEO:- AB Bulk Mailer invented on christmas day of 25 Dec 2010, after a small order from a travel and tour operator,We3Holidays, has revolutionized the world of direct and targeted marketing. The company built this product in garage using world’s best brains and this invention is a handy friend for an innovator, a small business man, a startup, entrepreneur, a person whose business has failed, a person or company who has developed an idea, product or service and wants to promote it worldwide,using mail and social media or even a student who wants to send CV’s for jobs.
We at AB Objects are spending our days and nights in building this product every day so that the person who has a dream wins finally. We believe in technology and not fancy colors. You do your work we will take care of the rest of your marketing needs.
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