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WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates v9.0.2.19 Nulled

We’ve just developed a new component that verifies if a product is available on all amazon locations.
Sign in for Amazon’s Associates programs, get your affiliate ID, fill it out in the plugin, and for each product we’ll verify if it’s available on amazon’s location that you’re signed in for.


Example: Sign up for Amazon’s Associates Program for Mexic, Canada and United Kingdom. When a customer will visit your website, on the product’s details page there will be displayed the product’s availablilty on all 3 amazon locations.

That way, your customers will know for sure if a product is available! The component si by default Activated, but you can disable it on Amazon Config -> Plugin Setup (at the bottom

Also, you have the possibility to display the ” Product Availability by Country Box ” on the Product’s details page, on 4 different places.

1. Above the “Add to Cart” button

2. Above the Thumbnail & Title

3. As Wocoommerce Tab

4. Above the Woocommerce Tabs


Auto Import
We’ve developed a new module called Auto Import. This new module helps you import products automatically.You just need to set a keyword, setup how many pages to import and simply add it to Queue.

You can also setup the recurrence, how often to import products. After you did that, the Cron will import products at the recurrence time you set up.

You can see the status of the autoimport, delete, publish / unpublish, see if the products were imported or if there was an error, when it started, ended and when it will run next.


Amazon Remote Images
In this version we have a new feature regarding images, more exactly now you can use the products images straight from Amazon’s CDN.What’s Amazon CDN?

Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that accelerates delivery of your websites, APIs, video content or other web assets. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services products to give developers and businesses an easy way to accelerate content to end users with no minimum usage commitments.

What are the benefits of using this?

  • Import products from Amazon much faster
  • Speed up your website – faster loading time for your customers
  • Boosts performance of your website using the Distributed data centers. Amazon’s CDN makes your website’s images available from data centers around the world (called edge locations). When a visitor requests a file from your website, the request is automatically redirected to a copy of the file at the nearest edge location, which results in faster download times than if the visitor had requested the content from a data center farther away.
    New Framework Design & Functionality
    We’ve changed the framework’s design completely! We now have improved functionality & responsive design!


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