EmailSendMaster Elite v1.0.0.6 Cracked

EmaiSendMaster makes your email marketing work so easy!

EmailSendMaster can Send Bulk Emails, Auto-Reply, Subscribe/Unsubscribe, Deal With Bounced Emails, Create Unlimited Email Templates, Get Emails Sending/Inbox/Open Stats Etc… All You Need For Email Marketing is in EmailSendMaster!

Main Functions:

  • Send Emails
    Create unlimited email sending tasks to send your emails super fast. Scheduled sending is available.
  • Auto-Reply
    EmailSendMaster has a perfect auto-reply function that lets you create fully automated reply tasks based on your email filter settings. You can set different reply emails for different recipients and reply times.
  • Email Template
    EmailSendMaster has many email templates integrated, you can use them straight out of the box. You also can create plaint-text or html email templates yourself.
  • Subscribe
    EmailSendMaster can create and manage your subscription list very easily. With this function, you don’t need to worry about sending emails to people who have unsubscribed rom your list.
  • Account Manager
    Manage your sending accounts and check their status real-time in one table.
  • Bounced Emails
    Get Bounced Emails with one click to clean your list.
  • Proxy Support
    EmailSendMaster supports to http, https, sock4 and sock5 proxies with your sending accounts.
  • Email Stats
    The stats function will not only show you how many emails have been sent, but also how many emails have been opened by the recipients.

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