Tubrr is a step by step, newbie friendly complete video training course + mind map + cheat sheet explosive bundle. In this course you will be able to learn how you can easily promote your offers (CPA, affiliate) by using review videos and earn daily passive income.
Dan Ashendorf will show you how to rank videos in an absolutely unique way, as well as two different traffic sources : facebook fan pages & facebook live and reddit. Anyone who deploys “Tubrr” can quickly get to $100 per day and beyond – with no list, no product, no experience or tech skills.
Here’s what you will find inside tubrr course :
- Module I : Identify Your Target Mark
- Module II : CPA and How to Get accepted into CPA networksTubrr Review
- Module III : Picking Profitable Offers
- Module IV : YouTube channel creation and setup
- Module V : Create your branding
- Module VI : Easy way to create YouTube videos
- Module VII : Outsourcing High Quality Videos for FREE
- Module VIII : Optimize your YouTube video
- Module IX : Creating a niche specific Video Blog
- Module X : Facebook Fan Page Promotion
- Module XI : Engagement with Facebook LIVE
- Module XII : Setup Reddit account
- Module XIII : Promotion with reddit
- Module XIV : Conclusion and Mind Setup
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