SIMAIL Responsive e-mail template designed for multipurpose bussines. SIMAIL is modern and minimalism, best to gain new clients or customers. It also have bunch of feature like stampReady e-mail template builder (drag n drop), MailChimp ready templates, and CampaignMonitor templates ready templates are also included. Carefully crafted to make it compatible with All device and almost all e-mail clients. If you have vision to reshape the world, then this is the best e-mail campaign design for you.
- Responsive Email Template
- Drag & Drop in StampReady
- Unlimited Colors
- StampReady, Campaign Monitor & MailChimp compatible
- Documentation
- StampReady compatible file
- Campaignmonitor compatible file
- MailChimp compatible file
- HTML Responsive email file
- Documentation HTML page
- Android
- AOL Mail
- Apple Mail
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- iPad
- iPhone
- Lotus Notes 8
- Lotus Notes 8.5
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Opera Mail
- Outlook 2000
- Outlook 2002
- Outlook 2003
- Outlook 2007
- Outlook 2010
- Outlook 2011
- Outlook 2013
- Yahoo Mail
- And mostly all clients that render valid HTML
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