LinkedIn Sale Navigator Extractor v4.0.2092 Cracked

LinkedIn Sale Navigator Extractor extracts data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator. This tool can captures contact information such as first name, last name, email, phone number, twitter, messenger id, job title, company, website, skills, industry, country, profile link from LinkedIn and Sale Navigator.

Companies can obtain important information from LinkedIn, whether you are looking for experts in various fields, service providers or new clients. Unfortunately, however, it is not easy to extract this information and store it in documents or spreadsheets for later use.
To Extract missing email, phone in profiles Download “LinkedIn Missing Data Extractor”
This is where LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor comes into play, as it enables you to grab contact information from LinkedIn and export it to CSV, XLSX or TXT files. Moreover, the application offers support for the Sales Navigator service.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor is a desktop application which allows you to extract endless number of data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator at an exceptionally fast rate. It automatically extracts Business Name, Email, Phone Address, Yahoo messenger id, Skype Id, Google Talk ID, etc. You can export your data in .xlsx, .csv,(opens in excel) .txt files.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor Main Features:

  • Extract Leads
    LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor can extract your targeted customer’s Linkedin contact information and complete profile.
  • Sales Navigator Support
    It can extract your targeted customer’s data from sales navigator.
  • Keyword based searching
    Lead Extractor searches your targeted customers based on your search keywords.
  • Advance Search
    Using LinkedIn Advanced search feature, search for people by keywords, industry, location, company, experience level, and more.
  • Auto-save and Recovery
    Sometimes computer/software shut-downs unexpectedly; don’t worry you can recover your search results just by one click.
  • Save Viewed Profiles History
    LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor has the ability to save the history of viewed and saved profiles so that already saved profile should not view again.
  • Delay Option
    Option to set delay between requests to simulate as is human being is surfing in a browser.
  • Unicode Support
    LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor support Unicode character-set. You can save fetched search results in Unicode format.
  • Internet Failure Detector
    LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor automatically pauses/resumes on internet failure during processing.
  • Contacts Filtering
    You can also apply filters to get your targeted contact list.
  • Export Data
    Software provides options to save extracted data in EXCEL format, .CSV files (Opens in EXCEL), TAB delimited (.txt files) format.

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