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FollowingLike v2.6.5 Elite Unlimited Cracked

Revolutionary Tools For Social Network Marketing! FollowingLike is a perfect tool to run thousands of social network accounts(facebook, instagram and pinterest etc.) at the same time 24/7 to auto-follow, unfollow, follow back, like, unlike, pin, comment, share, add friends and send messages etc.

You can combine basic function modules to any complex task to execute any job you want automatically, and the software can simulate human operation perfectly to avoid your account to get suspended

V2.4.1 (2017-11-09 19:37:08)

1. Fixed and optimized search friend,reply comment,invite friend to like page bug in Pinterest.
2. Fixed and optimized other functions.

V2.4.0 (2017-11-07 17:43:14)

1. Fixed the SearchPosts,LikePosts bug in Facebook.
2. Fixed the SavePin bug in Pinterest.
3. Fixed the FollowPeople,UnfollowPeople bug in Linkedin.
4. Fixed and optimized other functions.

V2.5.5 (2018-01-17 16:47:43)

1. Optimized the get post author function.
2. Fixed the check account, repin, and save pin function in Pinterest.
3. Fixed the invite friends to join events function in Facebook.
4. Fixed and optimized other functions.

V2.5.9 (2018-02-11 17:18:45)

1. Fixed the Add Friend bug in Facebook.
2. Optimized the Follow/unfollow function in Facebook.
3. Fixed and optimized other functions.

V2.6.5 (2018-03-16 14:49:02)

1. Fixed the post function in Instagram.
2. Fixed the export group member function in Facebook.
3. Optimized the post on group with discuss function in Facebook.
4. Added a refund request button.
5. Optimized the search followback function in Instagram.
6. Fixed and optimized other functions.

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