TexAutoReply PRO v4.0 Cracked

TEXAUTOREPLY is a software (for Windows) designed to optimize your Telegram Marketing jobs and automatically respond to your contacts or customers. Below is a list of the main operations that you can do with TexAutoReply immediately after installation and configuration:

  • Create unlimited auto-reply messages
  • Ability to also create nested menus with commands that the user sends to receive certain information
  • Configure the keyword or number (UserInput) that will send the automatic reply
  • Create automatic replies with text, links and emojis
  • Send automatic reply based on the type of trigger you choose: Exact, Contains, Start with, End with, or Auto.
  • Possibility to choose the Telegram groups or channels in which to activate or deactivate the automatic reply service.
  • Real time Logs that allow you to view software activities and monitor all messages received and automatic replies sent.
  • Start or Stop the service when you want, with just one click!
  • Reliability of the service guaranteed by the use of the official Telegram APIs.

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