What is Guest Post Finder?
Guest Post Finder is a software tool that will search (scrape) Google for guest posting opportunities in your niche so you don’t have to spend hours manually doing the same. It will even check Moz DA for each website so you can assess how powerful each link will be.
How does Guest Post Finder work?
Guest Post Finder simply fires HTTP requests to Google to perform searches with your niche keywords and typical guest posting keywords words such as “guest posters wanted”. There is currently a total of 40 and you are free to add and remove your own. The conditions for finding guest posts are highly customisable for example the guest post keyword match must be in the body, or title or meta data. Guest Post Finder also support proxies for blazingly fast results.
List of guest posting keywords we use:
- accepting guest posters
- accepting guest posts
- articles wanted
- become a contributor
- become a guest blogger
- become an author
- become guest writer
- blog for us
- contribute to our site
- contributing writer
- contributor guidelines
- guest article
- guest author
- guest blogger
- guest column
- guest post courtesy of
- guest post opportunities
- guest poster wanted
- guest posters wanted
- guest posting guidelines
- guest posts
- guest posts wanted
- looking for guest posts
- submit an article
- submit article
- submit blog post
- submit content
- submit guest post
- submit post
- submit your content
- suggest a post
- this is a guest post by
- this post was written by
- want to contribute to our website
- want to write a post
- want to write an article
- want to write for
- write for us
- writers wanted
Why should I use Guest Post Finder?
Finding niche related guest posts can take hours, even days sometimes. Why spend all that time when you can simply enter your niche keywords and let the software do all the searching and metric checking for you. Simply enter your niche keywords and come back to every guest posting opportunity there is for you. Where else can you download such a powerful tool for finding guest posting opportunities?
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