Using the Soundcloud Manager automation bot, everything you would normally do manually on the Soundcloud site can now be run automatically, taking just a couple of minutes to setup.The Soundcloud Manager software can promote your tracks, find new fans, share your tracks, send messages, add comments and so much more.
Why spend your time on promoting your tracks / music / beats when your time could be better spent creating new songs or tracks. Let Soundcloud Manager handle the promotion, whilst you make the music.
Full Features Review ยป
- Increase Soundcloud plays
- Increase Soundcloud downloads
- Follow users
- Multi account follow
- Bulk create accounts
- Search and favourite tracks
- Search and repost tracks (Unique)
- Bulk Create playlists (Unique)
- Mass increase track favourites
- Mass increase track comments
- Mass increase user followings
- Mass increase Track Reposts (Unique)
- Share tracks to users and groups
- Comment on tracks
- Unfollow users
- PM your followers and those you follow (Unique)
- Search users and PM (Unique)
- Advanced account statistics reporting
- Advanced group statistics reporting
- Account Tagging and viewing
- Search Filter – users
- Search Filter – tracks
- Unique action per account (follow user once / like track once / comment on track once / repost track once…)
- Comment scraper
- Scrape users who commented on track
- Soundcloud Profile Details scraper
- Soundcloud Email scraper
- Advanced Search and scrape module
- Soundcloud V2 search implemented including option filters
- Watch for new followers then action back
- Full spintax support for all message communication
- Got a feature suggestion, just let us know and I will get it implemented for you
- My promise, that you can contact us directly and expect an answer
- No monthly fees
- Unfavourite tracks
- Soundcloud Track Uploader
- Join Soundcloud groups
- Post messages to groups
- Play track before favouriting
- Follow user before favouriting
- Autobot plays increaser, every X hours find new proxies, validate and increase track plays
- Repeat track increaser, repeat the track increaser every X hours reusing the same proxies
- Send PM when you follow a user
- Token support in messaging and commenting
- Scrape public proxies
- Validate public proxies
- Account proxy support, use specified proxies for each account
- Random delays after each action to appear more realistic
- Multi threaded for serious speed
- 100% sockets based (no webbrowser) for speed, reliability and efficiency
- Full access to our support forum
- Knowledgebase, helping you help yourself
- Video tutorials
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